
This page explains how to contribute packages to R-multiverse.


R-multiverse policies govern all forms of participation in R-multiverse, including package contributions. Administrators, moderators, and contributors are all subject to the terms therein. The review policy specifically governs package contribution and review.

In addition, R-multiverse pulls R packages directly from releases on GitHub and GitLab. Before contributing a package to R-multiverse, please ensure it is available in a public GitHub/GitLab source code repository with at least one release (example).


To register a package with R-multiverse:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Contribute a package listing via GitHub pull request.

Watch this 1-minute video to learn how:

Package listings

A package listing is a text file in which points to the home of the package on GitHub/GitLab. The file name of each listing is the name of the package. In most cases, the file itself contains the package URL on GitHub or GitLab (example). But if the package is a subdirectory of the GitHub/GitLab repository, you may instead write custom JSON list with fields package, url, subdir, and branch: "*release" (example).

Pull request review

An automated process periodically scans and reviews each new pull request to The bot either merges the pull request or flags it for manual review by a moderator, depending on criteria explained in the review policy.

Some moderators only review packages specific to a subject matter area, so please consider mentioning a topic in the title of the pull request.


After registration, the latest release of the package will automatically appear in the Community repository. GitHub Actions workflows periodically read all the package listings, generate an R-universe packages.json file, and host the Community repository as a universe. The Community repository automatically distributes new releases that the package maintainer creates on GitHub/GitLab.


R-multiverse updates the Production repository in quarterly snapshots. As part of this process, an intermediate Staging repository hosts packages and performs checks. Visit this page to learn more about Production.


It is good practice to check the health of your contributed package using R-multiverse status system. You can read more about it here in the Production page.


R-multiverse has a “topics” system for organizing packages into subject matter areas. Each topic has a page that lists the packages in its area (example). To contribute a package to a topic, simply list the topic URL in the DESCRIPTION file (example). and then create a new GitHub/GitLab release. A bot periodically scans Community and updates the list of packages in each topic.

To contribute a topic, submit a pull request to to add a new text file (with no file extension) whose name is the topic name and whose contents describe the topic. The bot generates HTML pages from these text files.


R-multiverse status

To add a dynamic ‘R-multiverse’ badge for package readme files, like the one above, copy the following markdown snippet, replacing ‘pkgNAME’ with the actual package name in both places it appears:

[![R-multiverse status](](


If it becomes necessary to deregister a package from R-multiverse, you may submit a pull request to edit the package listing. Please replace the URL/JSON contents with unstructured/free-form text to explain the reason for removing the package. To prevent a package of the same name from registering in R-multiverse, please do not delete the package listing file unless the package name itself violates R-multiverse policies. Packages with missing or free-form listings are removed from Community, and the subsequent Production snapshot will not include them.


Please report bugs to and send other feedback and questions to Please note that can only accept pull requests to add or modify package entries.