
How to install a package from R-multiverse

R has built-in support for multiple repositories.

Simply add R-multiverse to your repository settings. For example:

options(repos = c("", getOption("repos")))

Setting the repos option is only required once per session. We recommend adding this line to your .Rprofile so that it is set automatically.

Then proceed to use install.packages() or pak::pak() etc. as you would normally.

What does R-multiverse provide?

Many R packages do not belong on CRAN. In particular, packages containing compiled code may require toolchains or binary downloads that fall outside of CRAN policy.

By contributing a package to R-multiverse, you may conveniently install the latest released versions of all these packages from a single repository location.

R-multiverse works seamlessly alongside CRAN.

A package may become unavailable on CRAN at any time due to its strict archival policy.

  • Sometimes due to the archival of a dependency, and outside the maintainer’s direct control.
  • Situations can be temporary, but may take an extended time to resolve.

By contributing a package that you rely on, you can ensure it always remains available for your critical workflows.

Maintainers may use R-multiverse as a faster release channel, especially for packages under intensive development.

CRAN is first and foremost an archival network, and its policy restricts the frequency of package updates. R-multiverse allows maintainers to push critical updates or bug fixes directly to users.